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Thursday, August 18, 2011

19 Company Mine ready operation in Kabaena

Tokotua Kabaena so locals call their island or islands witangkarambau which means buffalo. Called witangkarambau / island because the old buffalo buffalo is the animal most often found this island.
To the extent that the buffalo became customary dowry in a marriage procession. In ancient times, the dowry of a girl child as much as 12 buffaloes and widow of eight buffaloes.
But the story of the buffalo now a distant memory. For any dowry custom buffalo only in the dialogue because it has replaced reality buffalo cows or even goats. Although not yet extinct, but the presence of buffalo is difficult to obtain a non-proprietary except buffalo or buffalo forest Kabaena people call it.

In 1984 the potential of forest resources on the island covering an area of ​​75,050 Ha Kabaena recorded, whereas in 1998 the only remaining forest area covering 53,400 ha. Where forest damage that occurs during a period of 13 years an area of ​​21,650 hectares or about 23.82%. The impact of forest destruction has been seen and felt by the people of the island Kabaena that actually do not enjoy the exploitation of forest products, the impact of deforestation, among others: 1). reduced flow of water in some rivers that have been used by the public, the river water and even dry up if the dry season comes, 2). sources of water used public eye as a source of much of their lives because of drought which trees should be able to save water has been depleted felled by a handful of people armed with the permission of the management of forest products. 3). reduction in the existing wildlife in the Forest 4). The temperature is getting hot because of the changing functions of forests should be as the lungs of the earth and the life support it is managed by the indiscriminate and perspective how to preserve the environment. Unfinished forest issues, Kabaena island communities are now beginning to be confronted on the mine issue. Currently around 20 permits KK / KP that has been issued by the District government Bombana, Buton and the Central Government for its 12 mines. The biggest threat that will confront society Kabaena if a number of mining companies exploiting the food crisis is caused by narrowing of agricultural land.
for now, mining companies coming into Kabaena has reached 19 companies with small-scale companies / firms landless as many as 18 companies and the rest is just PT. Inco is categorized as slightly enlarged. In a highly visible map area that has half the concession area of ​​19 Kabaena into the mining company. so we are only waiting for the destruction of Kabaena ...
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